发布时间:4 个月前
[指南] 如何激活 Dev Mode 并安装 Dev Mode 游戏和应用程序。
随着微软禁止零售模拟器应用程序,我们大多数人都该改用开发模式了。一开始听起来可能有点吓人,但设置过程其实非常简单。不用担心!你可以随时在零售模式和开发模式之间来回切换!就像切换一样简单,然后你的控制台就会以相反的模式重新启动。以下是如何在 Xbox One/Series 主机上设置开发模式的指南。创建合作伙伴帐户需要一次性支付 美元。
安装开发模式 Xbox 应用程序
进入 Xbox 上的 Microsoft Store 应用程序,搜索 Xbox Dev Mode 应用程序。
请记住,商店中实际上有两个 Dev Mode 应用程序。一个是黑色图标的 "Dev Mode Activation",另一个是绿色图标的 "Xbox Dev Mode"。你需要的是绿色图标上有系列游戏机图片的版本。请勿使用黑色图标版本!!!这是一个旧版本,现在已不再使用!这是一个旧版本,已无法使用。
下载绿色图标的 "Xbox Dev Mode "并安装到 Xbox 上。
在电脑上,请访问以下链接: /en-us/microsoft-store/register/
页面正中应该有一个名为 "注册 "的按钮。点击它。
系统会要求您登录 Microsoft 帐户。请执行此操作。
然后它会问你要注册哪种账户,选择 "个人",在美国的注册费用为 美元。
至于公司名称,我只写了我的 Xbox 游戏账号。你可以输入任何你想输入的名字,不过我建议你输入一个独一无二的名字。
然后会要求输入付款信息。选择 "添加新付款方式",输入信用卡或借记卡。
之后是注册审核页面。检查确保输入的所有信息都正确无误,勾选同意服务条款,然后点击 "完成 "按钮。
最后,注册完成后,点击 "转到控制面板 "按钮。
将 Xbox 主机添加到账户
在 Xbox 上,检查并确保至少有 5GB 的可用存储空间。
启动 "Xbox 开发模式 "应用程序。
点击两次 "下一步",您将获得一个激活码。
在电脑上,在您的开发者账户主页上点击带有 "我的访问 "加号的按钮。您将进入 Microsoft 合作伙伴中心帐户设置页面。
检查左侧菜单,查看是否有标题为 "开发设备 "的部分。对于我和我的朋友来说,这不会显示出来。如果显示了,请点击 "Xbox One 开发控制台 "选项。如果没有显示,请继续尝试以下链接:/activatexbox。尝试以不同方式访问该链接。尝试将其复制并粘贴到网页浏览器中,尝试手动输入,或者尝试在谷歌上搜索该网址,然后点击第一个名为 "激活 XBOX "的结果。最终,您将进入微软合作伙伴中心的 "帐户设置 管理 Xbox 设备 "页面。
在 "管理 Xbox 设备 "页面,找到页面最右侧的小加号图标。下拉菜单会显示输入激活代码的选项。输入 Xbox 上显示的代码。您的 Xbox 应该会被添加到受控设备列表中,现在您应该可以在 Xbox 上切换到 "开发模式 "了。
在 Xbox 上选择 "切换并重新启动",Xbox 将重新启动进入开发模式。
将 Xbox 主机添加到账户
在 Xbox 上,检查并确保至少有 5GB 的可用存储空间。
启动 "Xbox Dev Mode "应用程序。
点击两次 "Next(下一步)",您将获得一个激活码。
在电脑上,在您的开发者账户主页上点击带有 "我的访问 "加号的按钮。您将进入 Microsoft 合作伙伴中心帐户设置页面。
检查左侧菜单,查看是否有标题为 "开发设备 "的部分。对于我和我的朋友来说,这不会显示出来。如果显示了,请点击 "Xbox One 开发控制台 "选项。如果没有显示,请继续尝试以下链接:/activatexbox。尝试以不同方式访问该链接。尝试将其复制并粘贴到网页浏览器中,尝试手动输入,或者尝试在谷歌上搜索该网址,然后点击第一个名为 "激活 XBOX "的结果。最终,您将进入微软合作伙伴中心的 "帐户设置 管理 Xbox 设备 "页面。
在 "管理 Xbox 设备 "页面,找到页面最右侧的小加号图标。下拉菜单会显示输入激活代码的选项。输入 Xbox 上显示的代码。您的 Xbox 应该会被添加到受控设备列表中,现在您应该可以在 Xbox 上切换到 "开发模式 "了。
在 Xbox 上选择 "切换并重新启动",Xbox 就会重新启动进入开发模式。
访问 Xbox 设备门户
开发模式与零售模式的设置是分开的,因此您需要重新连接 WLAN。按下 Home 键并进入 "设置 "应用程序,即可轻松完成此操作。它与零售模式下的应用完全相同,所以你应该可以像在零售模式下一样进入互联网和偏好设置。
回到开发模式主屏幕,查看右上方名为 "测试账户 "的窗口。如果你没有在那里看到你的电子邮件,那么你需要添加它。选择 "添加现有 "按钮,然后使用与 Microsoft 合作伙伴帐户相同的帐户登录。
添加账户后,确保在 "测试账户 "窗口中也选中了电子邮件旁边的复选框。
接下来,在右下角的 "远程访问 "窗口中选择 "远程访问设置 "按钮。
确保 "启用 Xbox 设备门户 "和 "从网络或电脑工具远程访问此控制台需要身份验证 "都已勾选。
在 "身份验证 "部分下方,选择 "设置用户名和密码 "按钮。
输入远程访问的用户名和密码后,点击 "关闭 "按钮返回主屏幕。
现在您可以访问 Xbox 设备门户。远程访问 "窗口中显示的是一个网址。该网址只适用于您的 Xbox。在网页浏览器中键入网址并点击回车。
可能会出现一个关于连接不安全的警告页面。请不要理会,继续操作。您可能需要点击一个按钮(Google Chrome 浏览器上的 "高级 "按钮)来查看是否可以通过警告继续。
这时会出现一个输入用户名和密码的小窗口。输入与之前在远程访问设置中使用的相同的用户名和密码。输入信息后,你现在就可以进入 Xbox 的 Xbox 设备门户了。我建议你将此页面添加到书签中,但请去掉网址末尾的 "#home",否则书签将不起作用。
从 Xbox 设备门户安装开发模式应用程序
首次进入 Xbox 设备门户时,您会看到 "主页 "选项卡。在左侧列表中,点击 "设置 "选项卡。
然后向下滚动并激活 "首选项 "下拉菜单。
确保 "允许来自 Xbox 应用程序的连接 "和 "默认将 UWP 应用程序视为游戏 "都打上了对勾。点击弹出窗口中的 "重新启动 "按钮,根据提示更改设置后重新启动 Xbox。
重新启动 Xbox 并返回到 "开发模式 "主屏幕后,在 PC 上的 Xbox 设备门户,单击 "主页 "选项卡并刷新页面。现在您可以开始安装 UWP 应用程序了。
在 "我的游戏和应用程序 "下方,点击 "添加 "按钮。
将 UWP 游戏或应用程序拖放到框中,然后点击 "下一步 "按钮。
将游戏或应用程序运行所需的任何依赖项拖放到框中。如果需要多个依赖项,则一次拖放一个,直到窗口中列出所有依赖项。然后点击 "开始 "按钮。它将把游戏/应用程序推送到你的 Xbox 控制台。
安装完成后,它应该会出现在 Xbox 开发模式主屏幕的 "游戏和应用程序 "下。在这里,您可以像在零售模式下一样启动并玩这些游戏。
从 "开发模式 "主屏幕选择 "离开开发模式 "按钮,切换回零售模式。警告 会弹出一个菜单,其中有一个复选框用于选择 "卸载所有已加载的应用程序/游戏"。请务必勾选该复选框,否则您的所有开发模式游戏和应用程序都将被卸载。我建议你使用安全退出应用程序切换回零售模式,以避免此问题。
如果您希望开发模式拥有熟悉的零售模式菜单布局,请访问 PC 上的 Xbox 设备门户。转到 "设置 "选项卡,然后单击 "首选项 "下拉菜单。将 "默认主页体验 "下拉菜单更改为 "零售主页"。我建议你安装 "安全退出",这样你就可以方便地从 "开发模式零售主页 "菜单切换回 "零售模式"。
如果您在开发模式下关闭了 Xbox,那么当您重新开启 Xbox 后,它仍将保持在开发模式下。除非您自己切换回零售模式,否则它永远不会回到零售模式。
您无需继续登录 Microsoft 合作伙伴中心。只要将远程访问链接添加到书签中,就可以轻松访问 Xbox 设备门户。
开发模式在很大程度上与 Xbox Live 隔离。您不能加入聚会,不能连接到 Xbox Live 多人游戏服务器,也不能将片段上传到 Xbox Live。但你仍然可以通过文本发送信息。开发模式仍可访问互联网,这意味着 RetroArch 和 XBSX2 网络游戏仍可正常运行。你只需要另一种语音通信方式。
你仍然可以像在零售模式下一样截取视频片段和屏幕截图。您还可以从 Xbox 设备门户上的 "媒体捕捉 "选项卡截取屏幕截图。
开发模式对外部存储设备使用 E 盘符,这与零售模式使用 D 盘符不同。因此,如果您的外部存储设备上有零售模式下为 RetroArch 创建的设置文件夹,则需要将路径从 D 更改为 E。
我在尝试在 Xbox One 上运行某些模拟器时遇到了一些问题。最新发布的 Dolphin 在闪屏上挂了一会儿,然后显示 "出错了。Dolphin 启动失败。最新版本的 XBSX2 也无法运行。它在我启动后不久就崩溃了。这两个模拟器在系列游戏机上都能正常运行。最新发布的 SSE4 版本的 XBSX2 仍可在 Xbox One 主机上运行,但已经过时。
如需更多帮助和 Xbox Dev 模式模拟器下载链接,请访问 gamr13 的 Discord:/7pcAbZzpXj
[Guide] How to activate Dev Mode and install Dev Mode games and apps.
With Microsoft banning retail emulator apps, it's time for most of us to switch over to using Dev Mode. It may sound intimidating at first, but the setup process is actually very simple. Don't worry! You can switch back and forth between Retail and Dev modes whenever you want! It's as simple as switching, and then your console will restart in the opposite mode. Here is a guide on how to set up Dev Mode on your Xbox One/Series console. It will cost a one time fee of $ US to create a partner account.
Go to the Microsoft Store app on Xbox and search for the Xbox Dev Mode app.
Keep in mind, there are actually two Dev Mode apps on the store. One with a black icon called "Dev Mode Activation", and one with a green icon called "Xbox Dev Mode". You want the one with the green icon with a picture of the Series consoles on it. DO NOT USE THE BLACK ICON VERSION!!! This is an older version that no longer works.
Download and install the one with the green icon called "Xbox Dev Mode" to your Xbox.
On a PC, go to this link: /en-us/microsoft-store/register/
Right in the center of the page should be a button called "Sign Up". Click it.
It should ask you to sign into your Microsoft Account. Do so.
Go through all of the things for the registration process. First it asks for your country.
Then it asks what kind of account you are making, choose "Individual", which costs $ in the US.
For a company name, I just put my Xbox Gamertag. You can put whatever you want, though I reccomend coming up with a name that is unique and distinct.
Next it will ask you to put in the usual contact information. (Entering a website is not required.)
Then it will ask for payment information. Choose "Add a new payment method" to enter a credit or debit card.
After that is the Registration Review page. Check to make sure all of your info that you put in is correct, check the box to agree to the terms of service, and then hit the "Finish" button.
Finally, once the registration has been completed, click the button that says "Go To Dashboard".
On your Xbox, check to be sure you have at least 5gb of storage space free.
Launch the "Xbox Dev Mode" app.
Click "Next" twice and you will be given an activation code.
On your PC, on your develper account home page. click the button with the plus on it that says "My Access". You should be taken to the Microsoft Partner Center Account Settings page.
Check the menu on the left side and see if a section titled "Dev devices". For me and my friends, this wouldn't show up for us. If it does show up for you, go ahead and click on the "Xbox One development consoles" option. If it isn't showing up for you, then keep trying this link: /activatexbox. Try to access the link in different ways. Try copying and pasting it into your web browser, try manually typing it in, and try searching the url on Google and click the first result called "Activate XBOX". Eventually, it should bring you to the "Account Settings Manage Xbox Devices" page on the Microsoft Partner Center.
On the Manage Xbox Devices page, find a little plus icon on the far right side of the page. A drop down menu should give you the option to enter an activation code. Enter the code displayed on your Xbox. Your Xbox should be added to the list of your controlled devices, and you should now be able to switch into Dev Mode on your Xbox.
On your Xbox, choose "Switch and restart", and your Xbox will reboot into Dev Mode.
Dev Mode keeps it's settings seperate from Retail Mode, so you will need to connect to your Wi-Fi again. You can easily do this by pressing the Home Button and entering the Settings App. It's exact same app from Retail Mode, so you should be able to enter your internet and preference settings like you always would in Retail Mode.
Back at the Dev Mode home screen, look at the window in the top right called "Test Accounts". If you do not see your email there, then you need to add it. Choose the "Add existing" button, and sign in with the same account you used for your Microsoft Partner Account.
After adding your account, make sure the box next to your email is checked in the "Test Accounts" window as well.
Next, in the "Remote Access" window in the bottom right, choose the "Remote Access Settings" button.
Make sure both "Enable Xbox Device Portal" and "Require authentication to remotely access this console from the web or PC tools" are have checked boxes.
Underneath the "Authentication" section, choose the button called "Set username and password".
Create another username and password to access this device from your PC. It's seperate from your account, so you can make it anything you want. Just make sure to remember it!
Once you have entered a username and password for remote access, hit the "Close" button to go back to the home screen.
You can now access the Xbox Device Portal. Displayed in the "Remote Access" window is a url. It is specific to your Xbox. Type the url into a web browser and hit enter.
A page warning about your connection not being secure may appear. Go ahead and ignore it and proceed anyway. You may need to hit a button ("Advanced" on Google Chrome) to see the option to continue passed the warning.
A small window to enter a username and password should appear. Enter the same username and password you used in the Remote Access Settings earlier. After entering the information, you should now be at the Xbox Device Portal for your Xbox. I reccomend bookmarking this page, but remove the "#home" from the end of the url or else the bookmark won't work.
When entering the Xbox Device portal for the first time, you will be on the Home tab. In the list on the left hand side, click on the "Settings" tab.
Then scroll down and activate the "Preferences" drop down menu.
Make sure that both "Allow connections from the Xbox App" and "Treat UWP apps as games by default" are checkmarked. Click the "Restart" button in the pop up to restart your Xbox with the settings changes made if prompted.
Once your Xbox has restarted and is back at the Dev Mode Home Screen, on your PC at the Xbox Device Portal, click the Home tab and refresh the page. Now you can start installing UWP apps.
Under where it says "My games & apps", click the "Add" button.
Drag and drop your UWP game or app into the box, then hit the "Next" button.
Drag and drop any dependencies that the game or app requires to run into the box. If multiple dependencies are needed, then drag and drop one at a time untill all are listed in the window. Then hit the "Start" button. It will push the game/app to your Xbox console.
Once it's finished installing, it should appear under the "Games and apps" on your Xbox Dev Mode Home Screen. From there you can launch and play them like you do in Retail Mode.
From the Dev Mode Home Screen, choose the button that says "Leave Dev Mode" to switch back to Retail Mode. WARNING!!! A menu will pop up with a check box for the option to "uninstall all side loaded apps/games". MAKE SURE THIS CHECK BOX IS UNCHECKED or all of your Dev Mode games and apps will be uninstalled. I reccomend you use the Safe-Exit app to switch back to Retail Mode instead to avoid this issue.
If you want Dev Mode to have the familiar Retail Mode menu layout, go to the Xbox Device Portal on PC. Go to the Settings tab, and click the Preferences drop down menu. Change the "Default Home Experience" drop down menu to "Retail Home". I reccomend you install Safe-Exit so that you can conveniently switch back to Retail Mode from the Dev Mode Retail Home menu.
If you shut down your Xbox while it is in Dev Mode, it will remain in Dev Mode after you turn it back on. It won't ever go back to Retail Mode unless you switch back yourself.
You do not need to keep logging into the Microsoft Partner Center. As long as you have the Remote Access link bookmarked, you can use it to access the Xbox Device Portal easily.
Dev Mode is for the most part sealed off from Xbox Live. You can't join parties, you can't connect to Xbox Live multiplayer servers, and you can't upload clips to Xbox Live. You can still send messages through text. Dev Mode also still has internet access, meaning that RetroArch and XBSX2 netplay will still work. You just need another method of voice communication.
You can still capture video clips and screenshots like you can in Retail Mode. You can also capture screenshots from the "Media capture" tab on the Xbox Device Portal.
Dev Mode uses drive letter E for external storage devices, which is different from Retail Mode that uses drive letter D. So if you have settings folders made for RetroArch in Retail Mode on your external storage device, you will need to change the paths from D to E.
I've had some problems trying to run certain emulators on an Xbox One. The latest release of Dolphin hangs at the splash screen for a while before giving the message "Something went wrong. Dolphin failed to start.". The latest version of XBSX2 also doesn't work. It crashes shortly after I launch it. Both of these emulators work fine on the Series consoles. The last release of the SSE4 version of XBSX2 still works on Xbox One consoles, but it is outdated.
For extra help and links to where you can download emulators for Xbox Dev Mode, you can find that information on gamr13's Discord: /7pcAbZzpXj
有人知道我能否在零售模式下以开发模式访问我的 retroarch 文件吗?如果不能,我就不打算费心了,因为它们似乎被锁定了,永远占用着空间,因为 FTP 应用程序在零售模式下也被阻止了。我想是在标准本地文件中。
(原文)Anyone know if I can access my retroarch files from retail on dev mode? If I cant Im not going to bother since it seems theyre locked off and taking up space forever since the FTP app is also blocked in retail. It was in the standard localfile I think
您以前可以使用一个名为 Adv File Explorer 的应用程序,但我的应用程序似乎已经更新,不再能访问 Xbox 内部存储空间。
这就是为什么最好将所有的作弊器、保存、保存状态、配置、输入映射和系统文件存储在 U 盘中的原因。这样,每次安装新的 RetroArch 时,只需重新设置文件路径即可。
请记住,你需要 FullTrust 版本的应用程序才能访问内部存储空间。你可以从商店获取的普通版本中安装 FullTrust 版本。
启动 FullTrust 版本后,选择左上角的收藏夹图标(星形图标),然后选择本地。然后选择软件包文件夹。这里的其中一个文件夹应该是零售版 RetroArch 的安装文件夹。你可以将它们移动/复制到 USB 驱动器,以便以后在开发模式下使用。
(原文)You used to be able to use an app called Adv File Explorer, but mine seems to have updated and no longer has access to the Xbox internal storage.
This is a reason why it's best have all of your cheats, saves, save states, configs, input mappings, and system files stored on your USB drive. That way it's just a matter of rerouting the file paths for each new RetroArch installation.
Hold on, I just reinstalled the app. Now it works again. Apparently there was an update that requires a full reinstallation or else it breaks.
Keep in mind, the you need the FullTrust version of the app in order to access the internal storage. You can install the FullTrust version from the regular version you get from the store.
Once you launch the FullTrust version, select the Favorites icon in the top left (Star icon), and choose Local. Then select the packages folder. One of the folders in here should be for your retail RetroArch installation. You can move/copy them to a USB drive for later use in Dev Mode.
开发模式下的侧载应用程序会在零售模式下显示吗?比如我在开发模式下安装了 XBSX2,当我退出零售模式时,下次还能从零售模式启动 XBSX2 吗?
(原文)Does the sideload apps in dev mode show up in retail mode? Like if i install XBSX2 in dev mode, when I exit to retail, can i launch XBSX2 from retail next time too, or do I have to always go into dev mode?
Also, can my dev mode account be a different microsoft email account / country?
(原文)No. Dev Mode and Retail Mode are completely sealed off from each other. You can't launch side loaded games/apps in Retail Mode, and you can't run retail games/apps in Dev Mode. You can switch back and forth between two modes whenever you want, though. It's a minor inconvenience.
I've never tried using a different Microsoft account for Dev Mode. I would assume that if you do, then you would have to use that same account for everything Dev Mode related. Use that same account email and password for the Microsoft Partner Account, Test Accounts window, and the account you sign in with to play games. You may be able to still sign in with your regular account, too. However, I don't know because I never had a need to test it.
如果你买 S 系列只是作为一个模拟器,那么你真的应该考虑让它保持离线状态,因为微软很有可能会禁止开发模式下的模拟器。使用 retroarch 或 pcsx2 不需要网络,因为它们可以通过 USB 访问播放列表、缩略图和内存。既然 xenia 已被移植,相信 MS 不会再睁一只眼闭一只眼了。
(原文)If you’ve bought a Series S just as an emulation box then you really want to consider keeping it offline because there’s a good chance MS will ban emulators in dev mode. You don’t need internet to use retroarch or pcsx2 since they can access USB for playlists, thumbnails and roms. Don’t think MS will look the other way anymore now that xenia has been ported.
我有充分的理由相信,在开发模式下使用模拟器不会有问题。我认为在不久的将来,"开发模式 "本身被移除的可能性更大。
开发模式是一个封闭的沙盒。它与零售模式完全分离。两种模式不能相互接触。为了防止用户在开发模式下加载应用程序,他们需要完全移除开发模式,这也会导致用户无法将 Xbox 用作开发工具包。
因此,我认为微软更有可能发布一个更新,将 "开发模式 "这一功能完全删除。不过,这可能在很长一段时间内都不会发生,因为这会损害他们在新晋开发者心目中的声誉。如果真的发生了,那也将是微软在其所有 Windows 设备上完全放弃 UWP 格式的遥远未来。
(原文)I have good reason to believe that using emulators in Dev Mode will be fine. I think Dev Mode itself being removed is the more likely possibility in the far future.
Dev Mode is a closed off sandbox. It's completely separate from Retail Mode. The two modes can't touch each other. In order to prevent people from side loading apps in Dev Mode they would need to remove Dev Mode entirely, which would also remove people's ability to use their Xbox as a Dev Kit.
This is why I think it's more likely for Microsoft to release an update that just removes Dev Mode as a feature entirely. However, that probably won't happen for a long time because it would damage their reputation with up and coming developers. If it does happen, it will be in the far future when Microsoft completely abandons the UWP format on all of their Windows devices.
